2024 Bouquet Subscription

from $148.00

Choose between weekly or monthly blooms with our bouquet subscription featuring seasonal, fresh flowers grown on our farm. Bouquets will be created (farmer’s choice) with what is available at the time with lots of texture and movement wrapped elegantly in white paper and twine. This is based off of the CSA model. Some weeks may be more plentiful than others due to what is available to harvest. By choosing a subscription, you are allowing us to plan and purchase seed in advance and are contributing to a more sustainable option. You also benefit from 10% savings off of our regular prices.

Flowers can be picked up at our farm or at Justamere Cafe on Wednesdays or at Mabou Market on Sunday’s. We also offer local delivery in Antigonish for a fee. If the address is outside of our local zone (beyond 20km of Antigonish) additional delivery fees will be applied.

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